Thursday, May 21, 2020

Why Do You Feel That This Topic Is Suitable For You To Conduct

Why Do You Feel That This Topic Is Suitable For You To Conduct?What is the reason behind your research paper and why do you feel it is right for you to conduct such research? Is it for the sake of making money? Or for your academic career? Or to get the best results?Why are you conducting this research? It may be because of curiosity. You are curious about the product or service that you use for the day to day activities in your day to day life. Or, maybe you want to know what will happen if you have a certain diet or a certain lifestyle change for better health? The possibilities are endless when it comes to the reasons behind a research paper.But why do you feel it is necessary to conduct this research? For fun? To make money? To get the best results?Why do you feel that this research is worthy enough for you to conduct? If you feel it is not worthy enough for you to conduct, then why did you set out to conduct it? Was it because of the fact that you wanted to learn more about this subject? Or was it because you want to be an expert in this field?Why did you decide to perform the research? You are performing this research because you think it is appropriate for you to do so. After all, your research is only for your own interest and for your own benefit. Why should you have to answer the question whether your research is suitable or not for you? After all, if you feel that your research is worthy enough for you to perform, you will surely be able to answer the question as well.Why is it that you have chosen this topic? You may have chosen this topic because you feel it is interesting to you. Or, you may have chosen this topic because you feel that it is meaningful for you to do so. This is simply because you have reasons for your choice to be this specific topic.Why is it that you feel that you will be able to answer the question as well if you will perform the research? You are conducting this research for your own benefit. You are only able to answer the qu estion if you do your research to get the best results.What is the reason behind your reason to do the research? When you ask yourself that question repeatedly, it is important that you find the answer for it. Yes, you will have to answer the question or you will not be able to answer it.

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