Wednesday, February 26, 2020

History contrast between England and French political structures Essay

History contrast between England and French political structures - Essay Example The examples of countries with such different ways of life are England and France. Despite them being located in the same continent, they had concrete differences in their political structure which we are going to explore. To start with, the French government was under a king and was considered absolute monarchy. This is because it was believed that the king held all the powers and was only answerable to God only. It was also believed that the king was ordained by God and therefore going against the king was going against God. According to Jean Domat and Jacques Benique Bossuet, king’s subjects had to be submissive and obedient failure to which one was said to resist God authority (Wollmann, 10). Additionally, it was believed that for the country to survive, only one person could rule it and that person had to be in charge of all the people. Every citizen had to follow the laws set by the king and nobody could question the king. This ensured that the country had the best defen se against any form of division among the citizens. However, England had quite a different type of political structure. This is because the English monarchy was as successful s French one since the will of people had triumphed over that tradition resulting to new form of government. England’s monarchy was always threatened by coming up of institutions such as parliament, Magna Carta and the common law which somehow were always against the traditional governance.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Gala Dinner and the Media Launch Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Gala Dinner and the Media Launch - Case Study Example The planning should include all the aspects of the conference or event. The organizations also need to establish the SWOT analysis to overcome the threats that they may suffer during the event and to maximize on the opportunities that arise. Success of event and festival occasions lies under the marketing research section of a company. Events and festival activities will continue to be a major selling tool of organizations in future. The purpose statement is that the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch concerns the Australian Olympic Committee and they would like to organize the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch through our company. One of the general tasks that we have include; Organizing the Gala Dinner for the whole group and later conduct the media launch, allocation of portfolios to committee members including the entertainers, hotel mangers, chairman, the treasurer and the secretary. To also making a decision on whether a coordinator for the conference is necessary or not. The management of the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch will specifically be left to the organizers starting with the chief executive of this company. Although duties will be dedicated to every individual at the two events, more work will be done by the conference management committee in order to ensure that everything goes as planned. The management committee will also be responsible for the budgeting considerations for the company and that all work will handled by the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch committee. Major stakeholders The major stakeholders here will be; Executive members of the Australian Olympic Committee Members of the Australian sports council Ten members of the athletics team Gala Dinner and th