Sunday, December 29, 2019

Medcalfe - 997 Words

Medcalf v Goodvalue †¢ Mr Medcalf’s Goals: Essential terms (that Mr Medcalf has to obtain): 1) Future medical expenses as a result of his injuries - $371,520; - Mr Medcalf wants more than $20,000; Basis for calculation: Mr Medcalf is now 67 years old. Based on an expected life expectancy of a further 20 years: Hospital Room (20 days per year for 20 years) = $900 * 10 *20 = $180,000 Visits to the Doctor (Once a week @$100 per visit for 20 years) = $104,000 X-Rays ($142 per visit and 4 visits per year (each quarter) for 20 years) = $11,360 Emergency Room Care ($302 per visit and 4 visits per year (each quarter) for 20 years) = $24,160†¦show more content†¦In this case, because he saw no one, he walked to his car; 3) Mr Medcalf always drove his car to the store at night (even though he lives only 3 blocks from Goodvalue) – as a protection against criminal attack. Goodvalue did not then and does not presently assign the security guard to patrol the parking lot - In Butler v Acme Markets, Inc 89 N.J. 270, 445 A.2d. 1141 (1982), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that: (1) it was for jury to determine if store exercised reasonable care in performance of its duty to safeguard its business invitees from criminal acts of third persons; (2) it was at least reasonable for jury to determine that, absent warnings, hiring one guard who primarily remained inside store was an insufficient response to known, repeated history of attacks on premises; and (3) business invitor is in best position to provide either warnings or adequate protection for its patrons when risk of injury is relevant. Goodvalue did not then and does not presently post any warning signs or take other steps to warn customers of the danger of criminal attack -Goodvalue did not exercise reasonable care in response to known attacks on the premises (8 reported attacks in the 18 months before the incident involving MrShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Of The United Kingdom After The European Union Essay1379 Words   |  6 Pagesreligious person. In addition, this information can be used as a useful tool to provide support to those. Work Cited Friedman, Benjamin. The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth. Springer Link. 2006. Web. 4 Dec. 2016 Harris, Reginald J., and Simon Medcalfe. Religious Participation And Economic Recessions. Journal Of Economics Economic Education Research 16.1 (2015): 55-59. Business Source Complete. Web. 5 Dec. 2016. Higgins, Kevin T. The Cow That Roared. Marketing Management 10.2 (2001):Read MoreTechnology Has Not Only Transformed The Way We Approach Teaching1538 Words   |  7 Pagespart in modern society (Aduwa-Ogiegbaen and Iyamu, 2005; Stafford, 2010; Watt, 2010). The abundance and accessibility of available technology within our homes is enabling children to develop technological skills and understanding from an early age (Medcalfe, 2013; Tucker, 2014; Simpson, 2013). Prensky (2001) postulates that this exposure and immersion with technology is instrumental in shaping children to become ‘digital natives’ enabling them to interact with technology on an instinctual level. Certainly

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analytical and Communications Skills - 3153 Words

Analytical and Written Communication Skills Rick Stoker CNSL/502- Graduate Portfolio 1 March 02, 2013 University of Phoenix Beth Combs Analytical and Written Communication Skills I was instructed by the facilitator to prepare a 10-page paper demonstrating my analytical and written communication skills. I was also instructed to explain my reasons for seeking a counseling degree. These reasons must be rational and well thought out. There are at least three reasons for me seeking a counseling degree. I must admit, not all three reasons are very noble. Nevertheless these are the true reasons which caused me to truly consider and then seek a counseling degree. * Past transgressions. * The need to be effective and serve as a†¦show more content†¦My goal is to learn, acquire, and maintain the knowledge that will allow me to be a leader, and also be competitive in my chosen field. Compare and Contrast At this time I will do my best to compare and contrast my personality characteristics with commonly accepted counselor characteristics, more specifically the personality characteristics of Carl Rogers. I am convinced Carl Rogers and myself share three of the same personality characteristics. These three are: * Genuineness. * Unconditional Positive Regard * Empathy Carl Rogers’s contributions to therapy are universal. Nevertheless his therapy has been renamed twice. First it was called non-directive. Rogers understood that therapist should not lead the client, rather allow the clients to direct the progress of the therapy. After depending on his valuable experience, he understood that, by his verynon-directiveness the client was nevertheless influenced. So client-centered became the name that Rogers used. Rogers’s feelings were that the counselor should not be the one to say what the issues are; rather, the counselor should allow the client to stat e what the real issues are. The clients’ therapy was still client-centeredeven while he acknowledged the impact of the therapist. According to Trull, T. (2005), other therapists ask a very interesting question, isn’t most therapiesShow MoreRelatedResearch And Analytical Skills : Senior Communications Officer2186 Words   |  9 Pages1. Demonstrated research and analytical skills My well-developed research and analytical skills have been continually demonstrated during my five years’ employment with the NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES), predominantly in my current role of Senior Communications Officer where I proficiently research and analyse information on a daily basis. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pallas Athene Versus Minerva Essay Example For Students

Pallas Athene Versus Minerva Essay The Goddess Athena has been an incredibly well-liked mythological character for centuries because of her complex personality and the values which are taught through her actions. The powerful Goddess has been generally thought of as being the same person in both Greek and Roman stories alike, but this is not true. Athena was looked upon and spoken of very differently in Roman and Greek myths, though she remains with the same basic personality traits in both cultures. Rome acquired its stories of mythology and religion from the Italians who derived their beliefs from the Greeks), and therefore most of the myths of deities were the same as the Greeks, but with a few changes. The Italians also gave the Romans stories of Diana, Hercules, Venus, and a few minor characters. The Greeks came about with their Gods from past ancient cultures, weaving in some of their own characteristics as time went on. Pallas Athena (the name Pallas being that of her best friend, whom she accidentally killed while practicing with spears) in both cultures is the patron Goddess of arts and crafts, weaving, the olive tree, overseer of Athens, and especially of Wisdom/War. Because the Greek culture was one of intelligence, sophistication and knowledge, Their version of Athena was mainly of a logical and sensible person, who would avoid a fight if possible. The Romans, who were a society of warlike men, focused on Minervas war capabilities and short temper. Both cultures focused on the parts of the Gods which were most like themselves and best suited their needs. For the Greeks, the Gray-Eyed Goddess was not associated with specific eople except for Her rivals. The Romans, however, formed a group of Immortals into the Capitoline triad, consisting of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. These three assumed a supreme place in the Roman religion, acting like a Jury of Watchers over the mortals. The Romans built a temple in honor of the Triad, named the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, which was built in 509 BC. In conclusion, I have been able to see how these two civilizations have viewed one part of their religion and why they do so. There were logical easons for their viewing of Athene, most of which were based on their strengths as a group. Romans respected her as a powerful Goddess of war which watched over them was they went into battle, while the Greeks saw her as a thoughtful judge who guided them in their adventures. The Romans warped the Greeks beliefs into ideas and concepts which they could relate to better, and which everyone could have a firm grasp on because of it. This project was helpful to me in both teaching me about this specific Heroine and also about why cultures act as they do.